We have a slight different approach with Game of Fondue (read below)
When you drop an item into the fondue set, select a category and number
Someone read out the intriguing question or daring task
Take the spotlight and answer or perform with gusto
Enjoy the applause for your boldness, then the fondue soirée goes on!
Say you favorite superhero character?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What’s your favorite snack?
What is your favorite thing about the person on your right?
What is something you can eat everyday for 1 year?
What is your favorite Halloween costume?
What did you wish from Santa?
Do you like snow or rain more?
Tell a joke
Do a handstand
Tell an imaginary story about the journey of a potato with your eyes closed
Act like a famous person and have others guess who it is.
Make up a short rap about fondue.
Have an eye staring competition with person across from you
Have a thumb war with person on your left
Do an impersonation of mickey mousse
Do an impersonation of Kevin from the office
Sing any Beyonce Song or Dance one
Imitate an animal and have others guess what it is.
Balance a spoon on your nose.
Do your best dance move right now.
Make up a short rap about someone around you.
Share how your day was in the voice of “Gilbert Gotfried”
What is the most embarassing story you have that involved someone at the table
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
Scariest thing that has happened to you?
Worst interview you have had?
Time an adult yelled at you for something you did but you couldn’t stop laughing?
If you can go back in time, what decision would you redo?
Time you blacked out?
What’s a fad you participated in that you now find silly?
First movie that ever made you cry?
What’s a lesson from the past you still value today?
Recall a memorable fashion choice you regret.
What’s one thing you believed as a child that you now find humorous?
What place would you like to travel to?
If you get 100M today what will be the first thing you buy?
Your goal for this year that is on track?
Your ideal birthday when you turn 65?
Your goal for this year that is brutally not on track?
What’s one thing you hope to achieve in the next five years?
If you could see into the future, what’s the first thing you’d look for?
If you could secure one thing for your future self, what would it be?
How do you think we’ll travel in the future?
What future invention you like to see that could change the world.
What is something you are scared of right now?
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?
What celebrity do you look up to?
What made you smile today?
What’s your favourite family tradition?
If you were a wrestler, what would be your entrance theme song?
What’s your most annoying family tradition?
What’s a talent you have that no one at this table knows about?
What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose, and why?
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
What is the strangest thing you used to believe as a child?
Who is someone you would trade lives with on this dinner table?
What is your favourite thing about the person on your right?
What is something you can eat everyday for 1 year?
Tell a dad joke
What’s your weirdest habit?
Your celebrity crush when you were 15?
Never have I ever —
Rapid fire: List five different green vegetables.
Rapid fire: List five different green vegetables.
Your celebrity crush right now
Best date you have been on and why?
You have to date someone from people around you for a year who will it be?
Rapid Fire:
My biggest obsession is _____
Worst date you been on?
Way to my heart is by —-?
Never Have I Ever —
If you get 100M today who on this table will never find out?
If you could get the truth to one question, what would you ask?
Anyone at the table can ask you one question and you have to answer it.
What’s the most daring thing you’ve done on a dare?
What’s the most scandalous dream you’ve had?
Share a guilty pleasure you can’t live without.
What’s the most flirtatious thing you’ve ever done?