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Welcome to Fondue Vancouver, your ultimate guide for your fondue recipes. We offer you an incredible array of delectable fondue recipes to satisfy even the most discerning food lover. From traditional Swiss favorites to innovative fusion creations, Fondue Vancouver is all about exploring the world of culinary delight, one melting pot at a time.


The joy of fondue preparation goes beyond its rich, delicious flavors – it offers a truly unique and captivating social experience where friends and family can gather around a communal pot to share food, laughter, and memories. Fondue transcends a mere culinary indulgence; it is an unforgettable bonding experience that every food enthusiast must experience. This article is your gateway to mastering a world of must-try, easy-to-make Fondue Recipes that everybody will relish.

Now, let’s turn up the heat and unveil the first treasure on our exciting list – the classic cheese fondue!

Fondue Recipes

The Heartwarming Charm of Cheese Fondue

Nothing spells comfort better than warm, gooey cheese, and our cheese fondue recipes is eagerly waiting to enchant your taste buds. A cheese lover’s dream come true, our signature cheese fondue is the epitome of culinary comfort. Whether it is a snowy winter’s evening or a refreshing spring weekend, cheese fondue is the perfect dish to bond over while basking in the love of great company.

With a rich history dating back to the 18th century, cheese fondue has long been a Swiss national treasure. However, its current widespread popularity across cultures worldwide is a testament to its unrivaled deliciousness. The basic concept of cheese fondue revolves around a potent blend of melted cheese, wine, and complementary seasonings served in a communal pot called a “caquelon.” Diners dip a variety of accompaniments such as bread, vegetables, and fruits into this exquisite concoction, bringing people closer together as they relish this wonderful dish.

Fondue Vancouver’s rendition of this classic recipe uses high-quality cheeses, ensuring an exceptional flavor that will make your heart sing. The creaminess and the unforgettable aroma of the slowly melting cheese make our cheese fondue utterly irresistible. To transform this delectable experience from the dining room of Fondue Vancouver to your very own home, here’s a simple guide to help you prepare our signature cheese fondue recipe.

Fondue Vancouver’s Must-Try, Easy-to-Make Cheese Fondue Recipes:


  1. 200g Gruyère cheese, grated

  2. 200g Emmentaler cheese, grated

  3. 1 clove garlic, halved

  4. 1 cup dry white wine

  5. 1 tsp fresh lemon juice

  6. 1 tbsp cornstarch

  7. 2 tbsp kirsch (cherry brandy)

  8. Freshly ground pepper and nutmeg, to taste

  9. 1 French baguette, cubed


  1. Rub the inside of a fondue pot with the cut sides of the garlic clove.

  2. Heat wine and lemon juice over medium heat until hot but not boiling.

  3. Gradually stir in the grated cheese, constantly whisking until completely melted and smooth.

  4. In a small bowl, combine the cornstarch and kirsch to form a smooth paste.

  5. Stir the cornstarch-kirsch mixture into the melted cheese and continue to cook gently, stirring constantly until the mixture is thick and smooth.

  6. Season with freshly ground pepper and nutmeg, to taste.

  7. Transfer the fondue pot from the stove to the fondue stand and serve immediately with cubed bread for dipping.


With this easy-to-follow, step-by-step recipe, you can bring the sumptuousness of cheese fondue recipes from the elegant dining rooms of Fondue Vancouver straight into the cozy confines of your home, while creating an unforgettable evening of laughter and bonding with your loved ones.

Follow along with the rest of the blog as we delve deeper into Fondue Vancouver’s world of irresistibly delicious delights. Now that you’ve conquered the warmth of cheese fondue, let’s reveal the next flavor extravaganza on our must-try list – tomato fondue!

Fondue Kit

Cheese Fondue Recipes – A Comforting Classic

Cheese fondue has been a universally adored and heartwarming dish, combining culinary art and cozy conviviality. With a history dating back to the 18th century, it is deeply rooted in Swiss culture, and its popularity has spilled over across borders as people worldwide indulge in this delicious creation. This captivating dish focuses upon a delicately melted blend of cheese, wine, and seasonings, forming a velvety texture to be shared among friends and family gathered around a communal pot.


Fondue Vancouver has crafted a cheese fondue that stands out in a sea of variations. By using the finest cheeses and a perfect balance of flavors, we have made our signature cheese fondue a must-try for enthusiasts. In true Fondue Vancouver style, it is designed not only for its outstanding taste but also with the utmost respect for the traditions surrounding cheese fondue.

A Trip Down Memory Lane with Cheese Fondue

Cheese fondue’s history is undeniably fascinating. The dish originated in Switzerland as a way for Alpine villagers to use and consume their abundant cheese, bread, and wine during harsh winters. Its simplicity and resourceful nature helped cement its place in Swiss households, and it quickly became a symbol of Swiss unity and tradition.

Throughout the years, cheese fondue has been embraced globally, and Fondue Vancouver is proud to bring this classic comfort food to a whole new level. Our cheese fondue variant is the perfect example of staying true to its roots while maintaining a contemporary touch.

Unique Aspects of Fondue Vancouver’s Cheese Fondue

Our cheese fondue dish exhibits a beautiful blend of Gruyère and Emmentaler cheeses, maintaining a traditional Swiss base while incorporating our innovative flavors. The addition of dry white wine, lemon juice, and kirsch contributes to its delightful texture and taste balance. Subtle nuances of garlic and a hint of fresh nutmeg elevate the dish even more.

We go beyond simply offering the highest quality fondue recipes to make your experience memorable. Our cozy and comforting ambiance in Fondue Vancouver embraces the communal aspect of sharing a cheese fondue meal, making it the perfect setting for a night out with friends and family.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Cheese Fondue at Home

Having unveiled the secrets of our cheese fondue recipe, it’s time you enjoy this delectable treat right in the comfort of your own home. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to replicate Fondue Vancouver’s cheese fondue:



  1. 200g Gruyère cheese, grated

  2. 200g Emmentaler cheese, grated

  3. 1 clove garlic, halved

  4. 1 cup dry white wine

  5. 1 tsp fresh lemon juice

  6. 1 tbsp cornstarch

  7. 2 tbsp kirsch (cherry brandy)

  8. Freshly ground pepper and nutmeg, to taste

  9. 1 French baguette, cubed

Cheese fondue


  1. Rub the inside of a fondue pot with the cut sides of the garlic clove.

  2. Heat wine and lemon juice over medium heat until hot but not boiling.

  3. Gradually stir in the grated cheese, constantly whisking until completely melted and smooth.

  4. In a small bowl, combine the cornstarch and kirsch to form a smooth paste.

  5. Stir the cornstarch-kirsch mixture into the melted cheese and continue to cook gently, stirring constantly until the mixture is thick and smooth.

  6. Season with freshly ground pepper and nutmeg, to taste.

  7. Transfer the fondue pot from the stove to the fondue stand and serve immediately with cubed bread for dipping.

With this easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide, recreating Fondue Vancouver’s delightful cheese fondue in your home has never been more attainable. Embrace the warmth and love of this comforting dish and create unforgettable memories with family and friends.

Now that you have discovered the joy of preparing Fondue Vancouver’s cheese fondue at home, let’s embark on our next culinary journey as we unveil yet another must-try delicacy – the scrumptious tomato fondue.

Fondue Dips

Tomato Fondue – A Savoury Treat

Fondue, in its many delightful forms, continues to hold an irreplaceable spot in the hearts of global food lovers. While cheese fondue has its own timeless appeal, the culinary cosmos of fondue has a universe of variants waiting to be explored. One such variant is the tomato fondue – an innovative and appealing spin on the classic dish. Produced from fresh, ripe tomatoes and seasoned to perfection, tomato fondue from Fondue Vancouver brings a colourful and jovial twist to your dining table.

Just as a vine-ripened tomato bursts with flavours, so too does our tomato fondue. The distinctive presentation and the tangy, vibrant flavours of our tomato fondue variant make for an out-of-the-box fondue experience. Join us as we delve into the inventiveness of tomato fondue, explore its allure, and learn how to prepare it at home.

The Inventiveness and Appeal of Tomato Fondue Recipes

Unlike cheese fondue, origins for tomato fondue are more contemporaneous. The inclusion of tomatoes introduces a fresh take to the traditional fondue, creating an exciting harmony between the zesty tang of tomatoes and the heartiness of the usual components. The result is a lighter, slightly sweet, and refreshingly tangy alternative to the classic fondue.

Fondue Vancouver has mastered this charming fusion, marrying the citrus hint of tomatoes with the satisfying richness of cheese. The outcome is a unique variant that not only entices your taste buds but also presents a visually appealing experience.

Unique Aspects of Fondue Vancouver’s Tomato Fondue Recipes

Our tomato fondue recipes embraces the niche of comfort foods while providing a invigorating lift. We use ripe, juicy tomatoes that burst with flavours, and add in the melted cheese for an almost creamy tomato soup experience with plenty of dipping potential.


Savour the enticing conversation between the tangy tomatoes, aromatic basil, swirl of butter and creamy cheese. The blushing hue and juicy chunks of tomato add texture and freshness, set apart from its heavy, cheese-laden counterparts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Tomato Fondue Recipes at Home

After revealing the allure of our tomato fondue, let’s bring the savoury feast to your home with our easy-to-follow recipe.


  1. 4 large ripe tomatoes

  2. 1 large onion, chopped

  3. 2 garlic cloves, minced

  4. 1 cup shredded Gruyère cheese

  5. 1/2 cup shredded Emmentaler cheese

  6. 2 tablespoons butter

  7. Freshly ground pepper and salt to taste

  8. 1 French baguette, cubed


  1. Core and chop the tomatoes.

  2. In your fondue pot, melt the butter over medium heat.

  3. Add the chopped onions and sauté until soft and translucent.

  4. Stir in the minced garlic and cook for another minute.

  5. Add the tomatoes, and cook until they are soft and release their juices.

  6. Season with salt and pepper.

  7. Gradually add both cheeses, stirring until they melt and mix evenly with the tomatoes.

  8. Adjust the seasoning to taste, and serve immediately with the bread cubes for dipping.

This straightforward recipe makes creating your own tomato fondue a breeze. Enjoy the comforting embrace of the melted cheese, mixed with the vibrant vitality of tomatoes. Shared among friends and family, our tomato fondue recipe is versatile and sure to be a hit.


Having navigated the cheesy depths and tangy delights of fondue, we now move on to our next culinary adventure – exploring the sweet universe of chocolate fondue. Join us as we unveil our treasured chocolate fondue recipe in the next part of our fondue journey.

Chocolate Fondue – Decadent Indulgence

Embarking on a dessert journey as enticing as it is gratifying, chocolate fondue is the crowning finale of a truly unforgettable dining experience. There’s something nearly magical about dessert fondues, with chocolate fondue reigning supreme, dazzling taste buds with its velvety sweetness and unrivaled richness. This sumptuous dish, which captivates both the mind and senses, has become synonymous with celebration, intimacy, and luxurious indulgence. Fondue Vancouver is proud to present our very own chocolate fondue, designed to grace your tables with a touch of elegance and timeless delight.

Delve into the world of dessert fondue as we explore the irresistible appeal of chocolate fondue, and learn how to recreate Fondue Vancouver’s luscious chocolate fondue in the comfort of your own home.

Fondue Kit

An Introduction to Dessert Fondues with an Emphasis on Chocolate Fondue


Dessert fondues, like their savory counterparts, embody the true essence of conviviality, as friends and family gather around a shared pot of melted goodness. While many variations of dessert fondues exist, including caramel and fruit-based concoctions, it is chocolate fondue that has captured the hearts and taste buds of dessert lovers around the world. This sweet symbol of pleasure and luxury first emerged in the 1960s, and has since retained a strong and lasting presence in both communal and romantic settings. Fondue Vancouver takes pride in elevating our chocolate fondue to new heights, perfecting a recipe that appeals to connoisseurs and novices alike.

Description and Special Characteristics of Fondue Vancouver’s Chocolate Fondue Variant

Our chocolate fondue recipes stands out from the rest with its harmonious blend of premium bittersweet and semisweet chocolate. This fusion results in an enchantingly smooth, slightly intense, and impeccably balanced taste that is neither too sweet nor too bitter. To further enhance the unique sensations of our chocolate fondue, we also add a dash of pure vanilla extract and a whisper of rich, freshly brewed coffee. This delightful symphony of flavours creates a fondue that is both refined and irresistibly inviting.

The warmth of the melted chocolate, coupled with an array of delicious dippers such as fresh fruits, marshmallows, and cookies, beckons you to enjoy an evening filled with the joys of communal sharing and gastronomic bliss.

Man Fondue

Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing Chocolate Fondue at Home

Following the allure of our chocolate fondue recipes, we present a simple step-by-step guide to recreate this decadent delight in your home.



  1. 200g bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

  2. 200g semisweet chocolate, finely chopped

  3. 1 cup heavy cream

  4. 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  5. 1 tablespoon freshly brewed coffee

  6. Dippers: strawberries, raspberries, banana slices, marshmallows, cookies, or pound cake cubes


  1. Combine the finely chopped bittersweet and semisweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl.

  2. Heat the heavy cream in a saucepan over medium heat until it reaches a simmer.

  3. Slowly pour the hot cream over the chocolate, allowing it to sit for a few minutes.

  4. Gently whisk the chocolate and cream mixture until smooth and thoroughly combined.

  5. Stir in the vanilla extract and brewed coffee.

  6. Transfer the melted chocolate mixture into your fondue pot and set it over low heat.

  7. Serve the chocolate fondue with your choice of dippers and invite your guests to indulge in this luxurious dessert.


Party Package

With this straightforward approach, the art of creating your own heavenly chocolate fondue is within reach. Elevate your gatherings and special occasions by introducing Fondue Vancouver’s chocolate fondue masterpiece to your friends and family.

As we conclude our fondue journey, we reflect on the stories of each blend: cheese, tomato, and chocolate fondue. We celebrate their unique traits and embrace their communal nature. Go forth and create memories at both Fondue Vancouver and in your home by bringing these recipes to life and sharing their joy with those you love.

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